Employee Testimonials

Amanda, Dispatcher III
What makes YECA stand out/different from any other agency?
"The grass truly is greener at YECA. I have sat along with and have friends at numerous other agencies. First and foremost, we are a family, and everyone here sticks together. We have more tools at our fingertips, and the agency is always exploring ways to help us do our job better and easier. We also have Agency dedicated IT professionals, whereas most other dispatch lack these dedicated resources. We are a place that you are proud to say you work.”
Brenda, Dispatcher II

How would you summarize what you do?
“I have worked for YECA for 4 ½ years. I take calls from the public, determine what type of help they need and send the right people to help them. On an average day, I dispatch officers and fire personnel to both emergency and non-emergency calls, while also taking phone calls from citizens.”
Scott, Dispatch Assistant
Tell us about a recent project you worked on with a coworker.
"I worked on the Realistic Job Briefing presentation with several co-workers. We put together a solid presentation to help applicants get a realistic look at what we do and why we do it to make an informed decision about whether or not this job is right for them and their lives."
Kristen, Dispatcher III
What inspired you to join the 911 profession?
"When I first read the ad in the newspaper asking for dispatchers, I immediately recognized that a job like this would be challenging and fulfilling. I was tired of Monday through Friday, the same thing day in and day out, I needed variety! What better way to find everything I needed and have the side benefit of helping others! I've never regretted my decision and love what I do!"
Charles, System Administrator
Tell us about a recent project you worked on with a coworker.
"There are many projects that I work on with coworkers on a day to day basis and some long-term ones as well. The one that sticks out to me recently was last year when our IT department worked together to create a more comfortable and inviting outdoor break area for dispatchers to relax in. I enjoy doing these things that are non-monetary benefits that make this place a happier place to work."